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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Google's Plan with 1Gbps!

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Now when I heard there were such connection speed of 50 Mbps in other countries, I was blown away. I didn't even know such speed exist then and now to hear that Google is providing a few selected communities with 1 Gbps is crazy! That is 100 times faster than my Internet connection! This isn't for all consumers though, it is only for a few selected areas in America. They issued a request for communities to apply on February 10 2010 . This is not a service for all consumers yet, it is only an experiment to find new ways of improvement for the broadband world and to see how life would be with 1 Gbps. The picture below shows all the communities that applied and the bigger dots are the ones that had more than 1,000 residents apply for nomination.Great things are to come in the near future. Education, hospitals, economy, and etc. will be high affected by increase of broadband technology.

Googles goals are:
  • Next generation apps: to see what developers and users can do with ultra high-speeds. 
  • New deployment techniques: to test new ways to build fiber networks, and to help inform and support deployments elsewhere,and they'll share key lessons learned with the world.  
  • Openness and choice: to operate an "open access" network, giving users the choice of multiple service providers. They'll manage their network in an open, non-discriminatory and transparent way.   

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