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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Analysis Poll Week 8

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Analysis Poll Week 8

This week poll is about which of you guys prefer to have a wired high-speed broadband or a wireless high-speed broadband. As you can see 25% chose wired and 75% chose wireless. Actually the best answer is wireless high-speed broadband. Wireless broadband allows you to surf the internet without the disturbances and troubles of cables, it is also known for its high speed. It is quite irritating and frustrating when your internet connection becomes weak especially if you are downloading something or using internet for some urgent work. But with your wireless connection, you don't have to worry about that problem and it is also quite easy to set up a wireless broadband connection.

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APEC Eyes High-Speed Broadband Networks by 2020

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This news is from Tokyo. It says that Asian and Pacific countries that agreed to help establish the next generation of high speed broadband networks in their region by 2020. The Japanese internal affairs and communication ministry said that , they will access high speed broadband network to expand and improve ICT infrastructure for knowledge based economies in the APEC region. They also will recognise that opportunities to access information through initiatives such as infrastructure developement need to be priority. Then, its also said that they will commit toward achieving the goal of universal access to (current-generation) broadband in the APEC region by 2015. Internet broadband subscriptions have increased from 0.2 per 100 inhabitants in the region in 1999 to 10.8 in 2009, an APEC. It said the broadband penetration rate stands at 0.7 percent in Indonesia and 2.8 percent in Peru, while it reaches 27.1 percent in the United States and 24.9 percent in Japan. It said the broadband penetration rate stands at 0.7 percent in Indonesia and 2.8 percent in Peru, while it reaches 27.1 percent in the United States and 24.9 percent in Japan.

Internet References 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Google Brings 1Gbps to Standford University

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As you guys know from our previous posts, Google has launched a experimental high speed broadband service to many areas in the United States. Recently Google have announced that Standford University in California is one of the areas they will be providing 1 Gbps to. The service will be provided to 850 faculty and staff's homes on the campus. Their goal is to to build up to 50,000 or maybe 500,000 people with this ultra-high speed broadband. According to The Official Google Blog, "Stanford’s Residential Subdivision—our first “beta” deployment to real customers—will be a key step towards that goal. " I see this as a very good idea for Google because Google's HQ is reasonably close by to Standford University's campus so if the service is in need of any maintenance or analysis; it'll be quick to send the results to Google's HQ to manage. Also Stanford University is quite a prestigious university; therefore, they are bound to have bright students and excellent lecturers to give their feedback. Let's hope this service will eventually spread throughout the world soon!

Here's a fun video of Google's little competition among several companies on deploying fiber optics.

Internet References

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Analysis Poll Week 7

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Analysis Poll Week 7

This week our poll talk about what types of users that use high speed broad band technology the most. This poll helps us to share more information for specific user and random user. By observing this poll, we can see that student and business man have the same percentage while, average user has the smallest percentage. Student and business man have 43%. It may because they have more information about high speed broadband. Student commonly use high speed broadband to make their assignments  and projects. They need a fast technology to do some research and information by using the internet. Nowadays, most of student use internet more than books to make a research or to find an information. While business men, they commonly use internet technology to communicate with others business partner that stayed in other countries. High speed broadband technology is the fastest internet, so their work and communication will become faster. Average user may not have enough information about high speed broadband. They may think every broadband have the same speed and quality. We should share more information to other users so that they have the same thought and have more information about high speed broadband. With this, high speed broadband will have more users then now.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

RM1Billion Initiative to Promote High Speed Broadband and Cheap Access for Poor Students

RM1billion initiative to provide school children from poor households with Internet-enabled netbook computers and promote high-speed broadband usage. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced the National Broadband Initiative at the Dataran Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur. Under the programme, a student would only have to pay RM38 a month for the netbook and Internet access. Needy students in rural areas will pay even less RM20 a month. They also setting up 138 Internet centres for the rakyat at state information department offices that will benefit 400,000 people and 1,105 e-kiosks at community centres nationwide, at the cost of RM40million in total.

Internet references

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Introduction to HSPA+

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High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) as defined in is a set of mobile telephony protocols that includes two popular standards; HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) and HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access).HSPA was deployed in 2005 and has been evolving ever since. HSPA services are mostly found in mobile devices such as mobile phones or laptops with HSPA modems. Compared to Wideband Code Division Multiple Acces (WCDMA), which was what most mobile devices use to access the Internet or transfer data, HSPA was a big step up to Internet access through mobile devices. WCDMA supports up to 384 Kbps downlink speed and uplink speed. While HSPA supports up to 14.4 Mbps downlink speed and 5.7 Mbps uplink speed.

HSPA+ also know as "Evolution of HSPA" or "I-HSPA" is the successor of HSPA. It supports up to 42 Mbps downlink speed and 11 Mbps uplink speed. Not many Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) carriers provide HSPA+ service. As mentioned in the previous post, T-Mobile in North America does provide this speedy data connection. The video below gives a clearer explanation of what HSPA is with visuals.

Internet References

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Analysis Poll Week 6

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Analysis Poll Week 6

Our recent poll asking,"What speed is considered high speed broadband?" was asked last week and it has shown that 50% of voters chose 10Mbps and 20Mbps; while 5Mbps had a 0% vote. Now the phrase 'high speed broadband' can serve to many different meanings when it comes to speed. There is never really a definite throughput of a connection that defines it as high speed broadband. But there is one for broadband, according to the FCC,

Broadband or high-speed Internet access allows users to access the Internet and Internet-related services at significantly higher speeds than those available through “dial-up” Internet access services. Broadband speeds vary significantly depending on the particular type and level of service ordered and may range from as low as 200 kilobits per second (kbps), or 200,000 bits per second, to six megabits per second (Mbps), or 6,000,000 bits per second. Some recent offerings even include 50 to 100 Mbps. Broadband services for residential consumers typically provide faster downstream speeds (from the Internet to your computer) than upstream speeds (from your computer to the Internet). 

So therefore, the term High Speed Broadband can be defined differently depending on different ISP's or users. But in our opinion, any Internet connection speed faster than 10Mbps is considered because most ISP's in the world are providing fast broadband connection in the range of 10Mbps and higher.

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